Looking For Basketball Tips? Check These Out!
Practice is the only way you can actually improve your skills on the court. If you aren’t practicing right then there really is no use in practicing at all. You should keep reading if you want to learn more about strategies you can use to become a better player.
Learn what a crossover is and how to do it. This move entails transferring the basketball from your left hand to your right hand and back again. The action needs to be performed quickly in order to be successful. One done the right way, the crossover dribble can help you change directions and get down the court more efficiently.
Be sure to get lots of practice on layups. During any game, layups make up about 75 percent of the game. Run as fast as possible, while jumping and performing a smooth shot. This running and jumping technique will help you learn how to jump and shoot better during the game.
Bounce passes are important in the game of basketball. A bounce pass that’s good is going to end up hitting the other player near their waist. If it helps to measure it out, consider aiming for a mark on the floor about three-fourths of the way between you and your teammate. At the same time, take into account any other extraneous factors that may affect the pass.
Do not restrict your practices to zone defenses alone. The majority of game play might take place in the zone, but that doesn’t mean that the opposing team will not try to catch you off guard. You may lose control of the game if you aren’t prepared.
If you want to be a jump shooter, avoid pumping iron excessively. It’s important to be strong, but not too strong. Some shooting guards that play professionally have such big arms that their field goal rate went down.
If you are posting up, strategic footwork is important to becoming open and making a good shot. While actually being beneath the basket is key, establishing a good position prior to the opposition is even more so. Once you get into your position, you need to secure it. Both skills rely on some solid footwork.
Keep your eye on the ball. This helps keep you aware of the action, and it takes away the surprise factor. Also, keep your eyes on areas that open up on the court for an easy basket.
One of the best ways to play a strong defensive game is to know your opponent. Pay attention to how they play. Know which players are left and right handed. Once you have a solid idea of your opponent, you can dial in on the best way to defend. A defender with an education will be good at what they do.
Whether you simply enjoy basket or live, breath, and eat the sport, you are sure to find value in what you’ve read. Use a single tip at a time and incorporate it into your game play. You will learn to play like a professional basketball player.