Tips To Make You A Great Basketball Player
Practice is the best way to build your skills. You shouldn’t be practicing things you do wrong, though. Keep reading to discover some great basketball tips to help you improve your game.
Free Throw
Perfect your free throw. This looks easy, but it is actually very hard to do. When practicing your free throw, concentrate on where you want the ball to go when it leaves your hands. Put your weaker hand in front of the ball and center your stronger hand over the air valve in the basketball. Eye the basket and imagine the ball swishing down into it. When you shoot, keep the visualized trajectory in mind.
Work on improving your strengths to become an even better player. Your skills might not make you an all-start every time out, but playing up your strengths makes you a great contributor. Understand where you excel, and work on those talents until they are perfected.
A great way to hone your own basketball abilities is to watch the pros. Try to go to games, watch televised games, or check out videos of the pros playing. You will see that each great player has certain skills that make him great and you can practice what you see him doing.
Passing quickly without dribbling is a great way to practice. It is hard to play with no dribbling, but it will help your team make great passes. Don’t let it frustrate you, just be patient.
Try playing basketball games alone before and during the season. Sometimes you cannot find a team of people to play basketball with. For concentration purposes, it can be good to practice on your own. You are able to do a lot with solo games. Practice pivoting or doing free throws. There is no shortage of things you can do.
Core Muscles
One of the keys to becoming a great basketball player is developing core muscles. The core muscles are the hips, lower back muscles and the abdominal muscles. Core muscles are the connectors between arms and legs. If the core muscles are weak, basketball performance will suffer. Strong core muscles help you with many movements associated with basketball.
Try using hand signals to prevent passes in error. It can be frustrating passing to a teammate when you’re both heading to the basket. Hand signals can be a great way to find out if a teammate will be able to receive your pass. If they don’t signal, don’t pass to them.
If you’re injured in a basketball game, don’t attempt to play while in pain. This is an aggressive sport, and injuries happen often. If you continue playing, you could make the injury even worse. If you have a very serious injury, talk to a doctor.
A great way you can prepare for what happens on the basketball court is to avoid having your back to the ball. You have to be aware of what is going on with the ball at all times. Always be on the lookout for open areas where you can seize easy scoring opportunities.
To properly handle the ball, you have to spread your fingers out. That makes it less likely that you lose control of the ball. However, remember to keep your palm away from the ball. Your fingers must be the only things contacting it when you shoot or pass the ball at the target.
Regardless of your ability, by using the advice above you are sure to see improvement. With one simple tip, your skills can improve. With this knowledge, you can improve rebounding, passing, shooting, and other important moves.